Tag Archives: weight loss

10 Supplements for Success

Natural Supplements

One of the major questions I get asked immediatly by a lot of my new clients is what suppliments to take. Now I tend to stray away from a lot of the more absurd stuff you see on TV, thats not what im talking about. Instead, I am refering to vitamins suppliments and the like

Manage Your Diet and Appetite with Sugar Control

I’m going to keep this mostly festive. Enough of the serious stuff! I will however, give you all a bit of useful info that may help you eat a little less this festive season- Yes please!!! Sugar Control = Appetite Management I have over the many years in my quest for getting better in my

Are You Eating Enough?

Did you know that many diets can  cause you to GAIN WEIGHT, INSTEAD of losing  the weight you want to lose? When we restrict the amount of food we eat, usually eating less frequently, we restrict our daily calorie intake to the point of lowering our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which means slowing our metabolism

Factors That Contribute To Obesity

Happy February! It’s the month of “love” once again, and hopefully you are all being loving to yourselves by eating, training and making the best choices that you all can for your bodies! There are many things in society today that are not the best choices for our optimum health and fitness. They trap us with their

Diets Don’t Work, Habits Do

Hi all! How are you? It is now Fall and once again the holidays are approaching. It is a time to establish good habits, as for some people the holidays start on Halloween, and run through the 1st of the Year!! Diets don’t work!

How To Plan Your Weight Loss Journey

Hi Guys, So Summer finally came! Yeah!!! I hope you are all drinking the extra H20 mentioned in July’s newsletter! Let’s look at our fitness or any other goals as a journey. We all want to go from point A to B with our goals and it is important to remember that there will always be

Summer Time Weight Loss

With Summer fast approaching (“What Summer again?”)- We can get in the best shape ever just by adjusting our cardio and eating more! You may say eating more? Yes. Let me qualify that. Eat less, more often. This will speed up your metabolism and help rid your body of those stubborn pounds!One of my personal

Weight Loss Is Easy With Regular Meals

With Summer fast approaching we all want to lose an extra few pounds… WE CAN! Replace your morning oatmeal with an apple.  That will help use your stored fat for energy. Also make sure to get your protein at breakfast and throughout the day as this will speed up your metabolism and say goodbye to those