Tag Archives: diets

The Mediterranean Diet – Pros and Cons

The Mediterranean Diet

  The Mediterranean Diet is an eating plan that focuses on heart health, in combination with the products available in that particular region. The Mediterranean Diet adopts healthy eating , with the use of olive oils, and red wines, a ‘lifestyle’ style synonymous with the Mediterranean Coastal areas. A healthy eating plan, includes fruits ,

How to Make Better Goals for Diet and Exercise

Don’t make the usual New Year’s resolutions- instead resolve to make the New Year better 365! New Year’s resolutions are good to refocus and form better serving habits, but not rely on the New Year’s Eve chimes of midnight to make life-changing decisions. On the 1st of January every year people decide to lose weight,

Are You Eating Enough?

Did you know that many diets can  cause you to GAIN WEIGHT, INSTEAD of losing  the weight you want to lose? When we restrict the amount of food we eat, usually eating less frequently, we restrict our daily calorie intake to the point of lowering our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), which means slowing our metabolism

Diets Don’t Work, Habits Do

Hi all! How are you? It is now Fall and once again the holidays are approaching. It is a time to establish good habits, as for some people the holidays start on Halloween, and run through the 1st of the Year!! Diets don’t work!