Why To Avoid Sugar In Your Diet

Avoid Sugar in your Diet

It is hard to imagine that in our sophisticated modern day, with IPads, Android phones and the like, that many foods commonly eaten in our daily diet can pose a health risk for both men an women alike. This will surprise you as it not only includes ‘fast food’ or ‘junk food’, but many of the foods that are put forward as part of our ‘American’ healthy diet!.

The food we eat can adversely impact us in several ways, including our digestive system, putting stress on our body, and the build up of toxins In our systems. Before foods can be digested and their nutrient absorbed into the bloodstream, and cells creating energy, they go through a chemical process in our bodies, involving stomach acid, pancreatic enzymes and hormones. Each of the food groups are broken down differently, protein into amino acids, complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, and fats into fatty acids.

The foods that we chose to eat ideally would be of high fiber, high protein and carbohydrates low In the glycemic index, (or carbohydrates that take the longest from ingestion to processing into simple sugar in the bloodstream). It Is when people have high blood sugar, that they have the most common trigger for diabetes, an other more serious problems such as kidney malfunction.

ALL sugar including the ‘healthy’ sugars can be problematic, including glucose, fructose (fruit), maltose or malts ( as in rice malt and honey), maple syrup, corn syrup , palm sugar ( used in macrobiotic cooking), and organic brown sugar, which is not too different to white sugar. Examining the average modern person’s diet can uncover some horrific statistics on sugar consumption.


Typical Foods

Our typical sandwich , pizza, pasta or pancakes made with white flour, which has been bleached with a chemical called ‘Alloxan’, similar to Clorox. This compound damages the pancreas , by destroying it’s beta-cells, leading to Type 2 diabetes. Combined with sugar and high heat baking, and you have the perfect cocktail for health problems.


Carbonated beverage/ Soda

A can of the average carbonated beverage has the equivalent of 39 teaspoons of sugar!!, 159/200 empty calories, not to mention artificial flavorings and coloring. The ‘diet’ variety are equally harmful, with sweeteners such as aspartame , known to cause gastric problems, diabetes, and various other ailments.


Protein bars

With the increasingly fast paced world that we live in, a lot of people are turning to the ever growing number of ‘protein bars’ on the market, some as a snack, and some more alarmingly in place of food! I prefer to view them as a ‘Snickers’ candy bar with protein powder added to it. Sure, they may have more nutritional value than a candy bar, but most have as many of their calories coming from sugar as a regular candy bar. The high sugar content causes a spike, then crash/ drop in energy, therefore causing you to crave more sugar to get back on track. A vicious hormonal ‘tug- of- war’ then ensues , leaving Cortisol levels high, otherwise referred to as the ‘fat hormone’, creating the ideal state for the body to gain or retain body- fat. Keep an apple and a handful of raw almonds to keep your energy and blood sugar balanced.



Although most are led to believe that your breakfast cereals are a ‘healthy’ start to the day,most are loaded with simple sugars, typically 13-20 grams per serving, and only 1 gram of dietary fiber, and only 2-3 grams of protein. These cereals are nutritionally nothing more than a candy bar with milk poured on top. Try oatmeal or whole grain instead. Add protein powder for a compleat meal.


Fruit Vs. Fruit juice

The sugar content in most fruit juice is far higher than fresh fruit, as when fruit is juiced the fiber content is taken out. Very often the sugar in fruit juice has high fructose corn syrup for added flavor. So this coupled with the fiber being absent causes a sugar ‘trap’. You then crave more sugar. The water and fiber content in whole fresh fruit helps one have a ‘full’ satisfied feeling. The sugar content in fruit known as (fructose) is broken down slowly, and doesn’t cause the same dramatic increases in blood- sugar as table sugar (sucrose).


Whether we like it or not, sugar is here to stay, and forms one of the six tastes, salty, bitter, sour, pungent, astringent and sweet. It comes down to a matter of which sugars to avoid , and staying with the low glycemic index.

Sugar (sucrose) is made up of carbon ,hydrogen and oxygen, and is a carbohydrate, comprised of two simpler sugars, glucose and fructose. Sugar(sucrose) can also occur naturally in plants, but the sucrose in granulated sugar or high fructose corn syrup is found in a large variety of commonly used processed foods. These foods are known as ‘empty calories’, as they have no nutritional value, and drain your body of energy and health.

In closing,  here is a list of ailments associated with sugar consumption:

  • Makes your blood acidic
  • Decays teeth
  • Leads to obesity
  • Raises blood sugar levels
  • Addictive ‘drug’ like effects
  • Increases incidence of ‘binge’ eating
  • Contributes to Adrenal Fatigue
  • Can weaken immune system
  • Lowers energy

Just to mention a few.

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