Personal Trainer Brentwood

Nicholas Barrett

Personal Trainer Nicholas Barrett

Things To Expect From A Consultation With An Expert Brentwood personal trainer Nicholas Barrett

Goals assessment

An expert Brentwood personal trainer will determine one of the most fundamental things, that brings you to the point of wanting to do something, be it INTRINSIC, ie for health and well being, weight loss etc, or EXTRINSIC, ie doing better at a sport, or looking good for a wedding or reunion.

Fitness assessment

An expert will assess where you are right now with your FITNESS, determining when and if you have last done resistance training , cardiovascular training, including the duration of any Brentwood fitness training program, you may have done with a Brentwood personal trainer before. It is important for a Brentwood personal trainer to assess possible limitations, due to past injuries, or lack of conditioning , that could limit what your body can safely do at this present time.

A Brentwood personal training program will only work if it I progressive, meaning that it will take your FITNESS from where it is now , to where you want it to go. If a personal trainer does not make a program specific to your needs and limitations, it may negate any meaningful progress, or even in some cases lead to injury. An expert Brentwood personal trainer will set goal and case specific personal training programs.

Weight loss & Muscle building


An expert BRENTWOOD PERSONAL TRAINER will ask you to email (3) to (7) days of your current eating habits, in order to be able to assess what changes need to be made. They must be specific to your current condition and goals.

It is only through thoroughly assessing your current eating habits, that constructive change can be made, to give you the results that you want from working with a Brentwood personal trainer. It is a case of cause an effect. It is only with changing/adjusting your nutritional program that a personal trainer can give you the potential of realizing your goals, be they sport performance, or weight loss. An expert personal trainer will request you email a weekly ‘Food Log’ , to keep you focused, and hence achieve your personal training goals. It is consistency with nutrition that will give you consistent results. It is fundamental to your goals, that an expert personal trainer sets these parameters from the very beginning of a personal training program, as they work as a fundamental requirement, to reaching your goals.

Weight loss in Playa Vista


An expert Brentwood personal trainer will assess your current supplement regimen, and from that set point, make the suitable recommendations for the specific goals you are looking to achieve, from working with a personal trainer. An expert personal trainer will have knowledge and experience of the most effective supplement regimen, to recommend to prospective client, giving them the best tools, for them to get the best results from working with an expert personal trainer.

For best results with your personal training, it is good to get an expert Brentwood personal trainer that has knowledge and diligence in all the above areas.


Call or email today for a complimentary one-on-one consultation!

(310) 428-7012

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